Wow! Slotomania Is Going to BOOM in 2014!

Facebook StatisticsData
Total number of monthly active Facebook users1,310,000,000
Total number of mobile Facebook users680,000,000
Increase in Facebook users from 2012 to 201322 %
Total number of minutes spent on Facebook each month640,000,000
Percent of all Facebook users who log on in any given day48 %
Average time spent on Facebook per visit18 minutes
Total number of Facebook pages54,200,000
Facebook DemographicsData
Percent of 18-34 year olds who check Facebook when they wake up48 %
Percent of 18-34 year olds who check Facebook before they get out of bed28 %
Average number of friends per facebook user130
Average number of pages, groups, and events a user is connected to80
Average number of photos uploaded per day205
Number of fake Facebook profiles81,000,000
Global Facebook Reach Statistics
Number of languages available on the Facebook site70
Percent of Facebook users who are outside the United States75 %
Number of users who helped translate Facebook300,000
Facebook Platform Statistics
Average number of aps installed on Facebook each day20 million
Total number of apps and websites integrated with Facebook7 million
Every 20 Minutes on Facebook
Links shared1 million
Friends requested2 million
Messages sent3 million
Facebook Company StatisticsData
Total number of Facebook employees4,619
Total 2012 Facebook revenue$5,090,000,000
Total 2013 Facebook revenue$6,150,000,000

Look at the statistics of Facebook. Wow, Slotomania is going to be the next game which grows ! 
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Karl Larkin
October 10, 2018 at 2:02 AM delete

I found the working tool for SLOTOMANIA which gives you unlimited on EVERYTHING and you can also unlock EVERYTHING. It really Goddamn usefull haha!

Link for the cheat tool --->

(Copy paste the link!)

Link for the cheat tool --->

(Copy paste the link!)

It also has instructions on using for those new to this! Enjoy guys and just wanna say that this game is soooo addictive! :D
