Slotomania Pop UP? Want You To Buy Coins?

Everytime when you login to your account to play Slotomania there are surely pop up appears in the initial screen asking you to buy coin packages, should you buy? Nope it is just another trick for you to get more coins and another way to make money for Slotomania. If you want to buy coin packages, there could be only 1 reason that is to up your SR points to get to the next status.

Once you get to the next status for example, "Gold" status you will get more coins whenever you spin, getting free gifts and more. If you are diamond status, this is even more impressive you will get massive of coins everytime you collect free gifts or coins, etc. 

Think again before clicking on the Buy Coins button, do you really need the coins to continue playing? Do you think that all the coins will be used up after a few rounds of game, if so then don't buy the coin packages, all the coins will be vanish in thin air, it just like throwing your real money into the big blue sea. 
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